Crysp welcomes students from North Carolina State
In June, the team welcomed a number of students from North Carolina State to come in and support on a internal project as the business finalises its north American strategy. In collaboration with Dr Richard Tunstall, University of Leeds, Chris Little professor at NC State, Crysp co-director Pete Mills and business ops Sian Purver worked with first year majors on developing their go-to market for North America for the core risk management software.
At present Crysp is used by schools in the UK supporting them on a number of key functions around good estates management which includes:
Providing estate and site managers with easy to use digital asset and property management tools
Centralise key information around PPM schedules so that schools can proactively manage
Support reactive maintenance contractors and contracts
School policy software for governance officers
Providing real time compliance dashboards to the schools senior leadership teams
The students from North Carolina State were briefed in depth around the school case studies, the market opportunities and also the portal itself that is helping schools manage compliance actively.
The brief focused on one key question “How would we take this to the US market” and what came back did not disappoint the Crysp team!
Co-director Pete Mills had this to say:
“The student team quickly got the brief and went about their research expeditiously, producing a wonderful insight to the structure of the US school, key employees, the state of the market and our key competitors in this space. We know that there are some players both here in the UK and US that are eyeing up the school compliance software market but the students rightly identified and indeed confirmed our suspicions that no one has got this right yet and actually the advantages of using Crysp - as a true software as a service product for the property owner - takes us way ahead of what is currently on the market.
The students did a fantastic job, mentored by our new friend Chris Little of NCS and our old / dear friend at the University of Leeds, Dr Richard Tunstall. The project was so impactful and we have shared this research with our investors at Twinkl. We look forward to working with both Universities in the not so distant future and could not recommend them enough.”
The team at Crysp would like to give a very special thanks to the students from North Carolina State, Brandon Sluss, Asha Quill, Ben Stevens, Jane Burkhart, and Reagan Dunkley. All were absolute superstars and we wish them every success in their future endeavours ❤️